I enjoy making the complex simple through design & code.


I'm Adam Parish, a multidisciplinary designer located in Spokane, Washington. Currently, I'm leading product design at Aon - IP Solutions Group. Before that, I was a startup co-founder and freelancer for 5 years.

I made my way into tech by co-founding an expense reporting startup called XpenseOne. While it didn't become a unicorn, it gave me first-hand knowledge of the tech industry in addition to learning product design.

Outside of work, I'm usually exploring a side-project of some form or another. This helps me learn new skills at my own pace, without the constraints of budgets and timelines.

In my free time, I love traveling ✈️, gaming 🎤 and playing acoustic guitar. 🎵. On the weekends you can find me hunting down craft beer or up on the ski hill.